Review: Zanola, Annalisa (2023). La lingua inglese per la comunicazione scientifica e professionale. Carocci




English for Scientific and Professional purposes (ESSP), English language teaching, English language learning, academic writing


The text is a review of La lingua inglese per la comunicazione scientifica e professionale by Annalisa Zanola, published in 2023 by Carocci. The book introduces ESPP (English for Scientific and Professional Purposes) as a new research area in English language and linguistics, which aims at exploring the efficiency and effectiveness of native and non-native speakers of English in professional contexts. It is divided into four chapters, each exploring one dimension of ESPP: from an overview of English for scientific popularization and professional communication (chapter 1) to an exposition of the main characteristics of written and oral ESPP (chapters 2 and 3), to an analysis of its possible applications in medicine, economics, law, and engineering (chapter 4). Professionals, together with their language instructors, will find in this volume useful materials to understand, and to master, the main characteristics of English for their own scientific and professional purposes, while scholars in applied linguistics will find interesting insights into theories and practices regarding English for scientific and professional communication.

Author Biography

Carlotta Fiammenghi, University of Brescia

Carlotta Fiammenghi (PhD) is a research fellow in language and communication at the Department of Medico-Scientific Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health of the University of Brescia (Italy). She is also contract lecturer of Business English (B2) at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Brescia. She got her PhD from the University of Milan (Italy) with a dissertation in corpus-assisted discourse analysis on the newspaper coverage of the MMR vaccine controversy in the United Kingdom. Her research areas include discourse analysis, newspaper discourse and medical English.



How to Cite

Fiammenghi, C. (2023). Review: Zanola, Annalisa (2023). La lingua inglese per la comunicazione scientifica e professionale. Carocci. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 10(2), 113–116.