Parents’ multilingual storytelling in the school setting: exploring influence on family language practices






The linguistic choices parents make while communicating with their bi- and multilingual children is fundamental to the development of their children’s linguistic repertoire and multilingual development. The involvement of parents in the implementation of multilingual pedagogies can play a fundamental role in fostering parents’ awareness on topics related to multilingualism. This paper illustrates school-based multilingual storytelling activities conducted by parents in a pre-school in northern Italy. The activity was designed as part of the project L’AltRoparlante (Carbonara & Scibetta, 2020), an Italian network of schools which adopted multilingual pedagogies at curricular level. The findings suggest that involving parents in multilingual pedagogies have a positive influence on family language use as they encourage children’s linguistic diversity awareness and parents’ biliteracy planning.  Parents’ involvement in multilingual pedagogy can be a useful tool to build inclusive home-school collaborations and to guide parents in shaping multilingual storytelling activities at home. 

Author Biography

Chiara Facciani, Università per Stranieri di Siena

Chiara Facciani is a postdoc fellow at the Linguistic Centre of the University for Foreigners of Siena. In 2022, she completed a PhD in Translation, Interpretation, and Interculturality from the University of Bologna, focusing on communicative interactions in multilingual and superdiverse settings, as well as on multilingual speakers’ language ideologies. She is currently coordinating the L’AltRoparlante project, a network of Italian schools that implement translanguaging pedagogy at the curricular level. Her research interests include multilingual education, bilingualism, and interactional sociolinguistics.


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How to Cite

Facciani, C. (2024). Parents’ multilingual storytelling in the school setting: exploring influence on family language practices. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 11(1), 1–17.



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