English for Academic Purposes (EAP): new frontiers in learning to write in English




Author Biographies

Laura Pinnavaia, Università degli studi di Milano

Laura Pinnavaia (PhD) is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Milan (Italy). Her research interests in lexicology and lexicography have resulted in the publication of over forty articles, two co-edited monographs: Insights into English and Germanic lexicology and lexicography: past and present perspectives (Polimetrica 2010); Esempi di Seconda Mano. Studi sulla citazione in contesto europeo ed extraeuropeo (Di/Segni 2019); and four authored monographs: The Italian Borrowings in the OED: A Lexicographic, Linguistic and Cultural Analysis (Bulzoni 2001), Introduzione alla Linguistica Inglese (Carocci 2015), Food and Drink Idioms in English: “A Little Bit More Sugar and Lots of Spice” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018), An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: a glance at the English-speaking social and cultural worlds (Carocci 2023). She is currently working on the history of writing instruction for native speakers of English.

Annalisa Zanola, Università degli Studi di Brescia

Annalisa Zanola (PhD) is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics and Director of the Language Centre at the University of Brescia (Italy). Her research interests range from applied linguistics and phonetics (Public Speaking and Workplace Skills, GRIN Verlag 2015) to the pragmatics of professional communication (Global English in International Business, Bright Pen 2012). Her main focus is on the study of oral English proficiency, resulting in an edited special issue entitled Oral Communication in English (Textus XXXV, 2022). Her most recent research has led to the publication of a volume on English for Scientific and Professional Purposes (Carocci 2023), focusing on language and communication for professional purposes, and the latest trends in public speaking and academic writing.


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How to Cite

Pinnavaia, L., & Zanola, A. (2023). English for Academic Purposes (EAP): new frontiers in learning to write in English. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 10(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.21283/2376905X.