Recensione: Cox, Sarah (2023). Meeting the needs of reunited refugee families. An ecological, multilingual approach to language learning. Multilingual Matters.


  • Francesca Romana Branciari Università per Stranieri di Siena





Meeting the Needs of Reunited Refugee Families: An Ecological, Multilingual Approach to Language Learning" by Sarah Cox analyses the situation of refugees in Scotland, with a focus on newly arrived women. Drawing from the experience of two previous case studies in Wales and Germany, the research explores the linguistic and practical challenges faced by newly arrived refugee women in the UK following family reunification. The volume demonstrates how the combination of an ecological, decolonial approach, and translanguaging strategies can be effective and appreciated by refugee families in their early days in a new country. The volume constitutes an exploration of what it truly means to start from "day one," delving into integration, language learning, and solidarity in a comprehensive and engaging manner

Author Biography

Francesca Romana Branciari, Università per Stranieri di Siena

Meeting the needs of reunited refugee families: An ecological, multilingual approach to language learning by Sarah Cox analyses the situation of refugees in Scotland, with a focus on newly arrived women. Drawing from the experience of two previous case studies in Wales and Germany, the research explores the linguistic and practical challenges faced by newly arrived refugee women in the UK following family reunification. The volume demonstrates how the combination of an ecological, decolonial approach, and translanguaging strategies can be effective and appreciated by refugee families in their early days in a new country. The volume constitutes an exploration of what it truly means to start from "day one," delving into integration, language learning, and solidarity in a comprehensive and engaging manner.


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Haugen, Einar (1972). The ecology of language: Essays by Einar Haugen. Stanford University Press.

Phipps, Alison (2019). Decolonising Multilingualism: Struggles to decreate. Multilingual Matters.

Scottish Government (2018). New Scots: refugee integration strategy.

Smith, Linda, Tuhiwai (1999). Decolonizing methodologies: Research and indigenous peoples. Zed Books Limited.



How to Cite

Branciari, F. R. (2024). Recensione: Cox, Sarah (2023). Meeting the needs of reunited refugee families. An ecological, multilingual approach to language learning. Multilingual Matters. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 11(1), 63–67.



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