“Siento que siempre tengo que regresar al inglés”: Embracing a translanguaging stance in a Hispanic-serving institution







This chapter centers on our reflections and pedagogical moves as two bilingual educators at a Hispanic-Serving Institution on the borderland region of South Texas, a predominantly bilingual and bicultural community. Specifically, the chapter documents how we embrace a translanguaging pedagogical stance. Translanguaging practices are identity markers and represent the complex ways bilinguals use their linguistic repertoire to communicate across contexts and to negotiate social identities (García & Li Wei, 2014; Martinez-Roldán, 2015). Drawing on García, Johnson, and Seltzer’s (2017) conceptualization of a translanguaging “corriente,” we describe our translanguaging stance and moves as we, respectively, design and teach two undergraduate courses: an upper-level undergraduate Foundations of Bilingual Education course and an undergraduate Rhetoric and Composition I course. We identify tensions, as well as commonalities and differences in our experience enacting translanguaging pedagogies and assignments in two different disciplinary areas. We also present two students’ reflections and assignments to illustrate the outcomes of our translanguaging pedagogies.

Author Biographies

Sandra I. Musanti, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Sandra I. Musanti is an Associate Professor in the Bilingual and Literacy Studies Department at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as, a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Sandra prepares elementary pre-service teachers in the Early Childhood Bilingual Generalist program and teaches graduate-level courses in the bilingual master’s and doctoral program. Her areas of expertise are bilingual pre-service and in-service teacher education. Presently, her research interests focus on bilingual teacher preparation and development across content areas, translanguaging in higher education, and bilingual teacher identity and agency.

Alyssa G. Cavazos, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Alyssa G. Cavazos is an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies in the Department of Writing and Language Studies at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. She teaches first-year writing and upper-level undergraduate and graduate coursework in writing studies. Her pedagogical and scholarly interests include language difference in the teaching of writing, translingual writing, multilingualism across communities, border rhetorics, and Latina/os in higher education. As reflected by her 2017 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, she is committed to designing linguistically inclusive projects and pedagogies, which can lead to students’ academic success across academic disciplines in higher education.



How to Cite

Musanti, S. I., & Cavazos, A. G. (2018). “Siento que siempre tengo que regresar al inglés”: Embracing a translanguaging stance in a Hispanic-serving institution. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 5(2), 44–61. https://doi.org/10.21283/2376905X.9.147



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